Am 22. März findet die 7. Gallneukirchner Boxgala statt. A lle
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Internationale Profiboxgala am
25. Januar 2014
Schleyer-Halle Stuttgart
Marco Huck vs. Firat Arslan
WBO Weltmeisterschaft im Cruisergewicht
Marcos Nader vs. Emanuele Blandamura
EU Meisterschaft im Mittelgewicht
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Leider erfuhren wir die Nachricht das WBC Präsident Jose Sulaiman gestern am Donnerstag den 16. Jänner 2014 im Alter von 82 Jahren gestorben ist.
Unser Mitgefühl geht besonders an seine Familie. Jose Sulaiman war ein Präsident der die WBC mit Stolz und mit Herz führte.
Ein Mann der es immer schaffte, so kompliziert die Situationen und Problemen auch waren, immer einen Mittelweg zu finden.
Er wird ein großes Loch hinterlassen, aber sein Traum – die WBC – wird erst recht mit Stolz und Ehre weitergeführt.
Hier die Presseaussendung der WBC in Englisch:
Jose Sulaiman will be remembered as a man of integrity, honorability and pure heart. Inspired by his heroes, believed in unbreakable values and principles and lived a life to the fullest and he did it his way, as Frank Sinatra would sing on „My Way“.
Always successful, a natural leader who would never give up, „there are no impossible tasks, some just take a bit longer“. That was the spirit of Don Jose. His life dedicated to the service of others, inspired by his parents education and example, led to a life full of satisfactions, he took tremendous joy by helping others, specially the underprivileged and the discriminated.
Many call him the father of boxing; he certainly treated all fighters as his sons and daughters, he suffered from their problems and worked every single day of his life to try to make boxing better and safer. Regardless if the boxer was an amateur or if he was Mike Tyson or Chavez, he would treat them the same and would relentlessly try to help each one at all times.
Nelson Mandela inspired him to fight against discrimination, battled Apartheid and always struggled to prevent the abuse of power, which hurt the lesser gifted. He led many actions towards dignifying the sport of boxing, the female practice of boxing and the justice for trainers, managers, promoters and specially boxers.
Pope John Paul II inspired him to be a better human being every day and to be humble, to serve and love. Pope Francis brought faith back to him in these few months as God’s representative on earth and the Virgin of Guadalupe remained by his side at all times while Jesus Christ was his greatest guide and inspiration.
Our dear father fought the last 12 rounds of his life, inspired by his hero Muhammad Ali, his corner formed by many doctors, nurses, care partners, therapist, lift team and staff at 7ICU at UCLA and with thousands cheering him from all over the world…
The final bell rang; Jose Sulaiman, winner by unanimous decision!
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Internationale Profiboxgala am
14. Dezember 2013
Jahnsportforum Neubrandenburg
Jürgen Brähmer vs. Marcus Oliveira
WBA Weltmeisterschaft im Halbschwergewicht
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Das Boxteam Vienna veranstaltet im SPEEDFIT SPORTCENTER Altmannsdorferstrasse 182a, 1230 Wien am 7.12.2013 / 19.00h eineBenefiz Box und Thaiboxgala zugunsten Muskelkranker Kinder.Eine explosive Gala wie zuletzt im Mai dieses Jahres ist garantiert.Allen voran stehen 5 Titelkämpfe – es werden alle Kämpfer die am7. 5. ihre Titel gewonnen haben, diese verteidigen ! Wir hoffen auf eine ausverkaufte Sporthalle mit 1000 Zuschauer.
WBF Intercontinental-Meisterschaft 12×3 Runden Halbschwergewicht
Timmy Shala (A) vs Mounir Toumi (D)
WBF Intercontinental-Meisterschaft 12×3 Runden Mittelgewicht
Gogi Knezevic (A) vs Robizoni Omsarashvili (GE)
WBF Internationale – Meisterschaft 10×3 Weltergewicht
Laszlo Toth (A/H) vs Giorgi Ungiadze (GE)
WIBF/ WBF Intercontinental Meisterschaft 10 x 2 Fliegengewicht
Eva Voraberger (A) vs Fleis Djendji (RS)
OPBU Full Muaythai Internationale Meisterschaft 5×3 Mittelgewicht
Lirim Ahmeti (A) vs TBA
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Internationale Profiboxgala am
23. November 2013
brose Arena Bamberg
Yoan Pablo Hernandez vs. Alexander Alekseev
IBF Weltmeisterschaft im Cruisergewicht
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